If you think Facebook has been boring (or terrifying) since your parents, grandparents, and their friends became the dominant demographic, wait until they take over Snapchat, which they inevitably will. The invasion has already begun.
Reason #1 – These Simple Statistics
If half of all new users are over 25, and the number of users over 25 is growing twice as fast as users under 25, that means that 100% of all users will be “not cool” by like, next Wednesday.
Reason #2 – It’s Bigger Than Facebook & Twitter
Snapchat now has more daily users than Twitter, and gets more video views than Facebook. And those numbers put it in lists like this, which means your grampaw and grammaw will learn about it on Fox News soon.
Reason #3 – Verizon Offers a “Snapchat 101”
What better evidence does one need that something isn’t cool than the fact that a wage-slaving, consumer raping monopoly like Verizon understands it well enough to create a user guide (our studies show that if you clicked that link you’re over 25, by the way).
Reason #4 – BuzzFeed Made a Video About It
That alone is kind of like a stake through the heart of anything cool. We’re curious though. At the end of the video, an old lady says “In my day, we had polaroid for that”. That sort of made us laugh, but also made us wonder: what’s a “Polaroid”?
Need More Reasons?
No. You don’t. And yes, we know. We said five reasons. That’s just a clever linkbait trick. People don’t click if you say “four reasons to [whatever]”. Anyway let’s face it. The horror is coming.
And It Looks Like This…
Watching someone over thirty try to use Snapchat is “like watching a bear try to get into a locked garbage can”, as the old saying goes. And by “old”, we mean “last month”.